Thursday, February 28, 2013

28 Ways to answer the question: What happened at school today?

  1. (bus driver) taught the bus how to fly

  1. (Best Friend's Celebrity Crush) asked (Best Friend) out by buying her ice cream
  2. You got an acceptance letter from Hogwarts
  3. the principal blew up his office
  4. mini-chipmunks ate the librarian
  5. (boring teacher) bored herself to sleep
  6. (science teacher) showed us live jellyfish and got stung
  7. gravity reversed and the toilets spewed sewage on everyone
  8. President Obama paid a surprise visit and all were inspected by the secret service
  9. went to the stadium for an assembly and everyone fell under the bleachers when it snowed
  10. changed our mascot from pirate to princess
  11. Minecraft crashed and all the gamers went home crying
  12. we got punished by taking us to (popular water park) and making us look through the windows (without swimming)
  13. all the gunk on the multipurpose ceiling fell down and everyone ate it for lunch
  14. a black hole opened up and the school fell into it
  15. the band marched through the hallways playing “don’t stop believing” 
  16. entire school did the Harlem Shake (including teachers) and the video has 1000000 youtube views
  17. (unique kid) proposed to you with a diamond ring, puppy, chocolate, penthouse, 1D tickets, iphone, ipad, ice cream, pet dolphin, $1000000, sauna, pool (and you said no)
  18. a meteor hit the boys bathroom
  19. (annoying popular guy at school) and (annoying popular girl) started dating
  20. the nurse had a seizure and  no one knew what to do
  21. they checked us for lice and 99% of us had it
  22. school was infested by rabid squirrels and raccoons  so they quarantined us
  23. (Choir teacher) made us rap instead of sing
  24. (guy-friend) fell asleep in SS and sleepwalked around the school and nobody woke him up cause it was so funny
  25. Superman flew in!
  26. (oldest teacher) had a heart attack
  27. Canceled school cause they ran out of chips 

-Bored Blogger

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Any Other Way

Look at the chorus of the song "Any Other Way" by Tenth Avenue North:
'Cause it's not enough
it's not enough
just to say that we're okay
i need your hurt i need your pain
it's not love any other way

Now watch this video:
"Sometimes, in order to heal us, God has to hurt us." Whoa. Scaring me out of my shoes! Does it make you want to totally forget 'the whole Christianity thing'? I definitely makes me a little less willing. But the thing to notice is how TRUE that statement is.
For example, meet a normal person named Martha*. So let's say that the thing really separating Martha from God is money. Martha loves money, she worships money.
The problem comes in when she tries to find fulfillment in money. Martha is therefore, hurting. Though she may not know it. In order for Martha to be healed, God is going to have to take away Martha's unhealthy love for money. In this way, God is having to hurt Martha in order to heal her.

Now put yourself in Martha's shoes.
Where her obsession is money, then what is yours? What is it that thing that is standing in your way of a better relationship with God?

Lyric Video of the song "Any Other Way" - Tenth Avenue North
Till Later,
- Bored Blogger

*Martha is totally made up so I'm sorry if that is your name and you get in any way offended! I don't mean to offend!!