(Best Friend's Celebrity Crush) asked (Best Friend) out by buying her ice cream
- You got an acceptance letter from Hogwarts
- the principal blew up his office
- mini-chipmunks ate the librarian
- (boring teacher) bored herself to sleep
- (science teacher) showed us live jellyfish and got stung
- gravity reversed and the toilets spewed sewage on everyone
- President Obama paid a surprise visit and all were inspected by the secret service
- went to the stadium for an assembly and everyone fell under the bleachers when it snowed
- changed our mascot from pirate to princess
- Minecraft crashed and all the gamers went home crying
- we got punished by taking us to (popular water park) and making us look through the windows (without swimming)
- all the gunk on the multipurpose ceiling fell down and everyone ate it for lunch
- a black hole opened up and the school fell into it
- the band marched through the hallways playing “don’t stop believing”
- entire school did the Harlem Shake (including teachers) and the video has 1000000 youtube views
- (unique kid) proposed to you with a diamond ring, puppy, chocolate, penthouse, 1D tickets, iphone, ipad, ice cream, pet dolphin, $1000000, sauna, pool (and you said no)
- a meteor hit the boys bathroom
- (annoying popular guy at school) and (annoying popular girl) started dating
- the nurse had a seizure and no one knew what to do
- they checked us for lice and 99% of us had it
- school was infested by rabid squirrels and raccoons so they quarantined us
- (Choir teacher) made us rap instead of sing
- (guy-friend) fell asleep in SS and sleepwalked around the school and nobody woke him up cause it was so funny
- Superman flew in!
- (oldest teacher) had a heart attack
- Canceled school cause they ran out of chips
-Bored Blogger